I grew up in Washington State near SeaTac Airport where I developed a deep love for our state and airplanes. I also felt a calling to serve. Upon graduating from the University of Washington, I served as a combat fighter pilot, flying the F-16 Fighting Falcon for the United States Air Force. During Fighter Lead-in Training, when fighter pilots get their first call sign, “Batman” (starring a different Michael Keaton) was a top movie hit, and I have answered to that call sign ever since.
After returning home from 20 years of military service, I moved to Puyallup to live near family. The call to serve persisted. I ran for the Puyallup School Board in 2015 and was re-elected to the board in 2019 for 4 more years.
I fought to keep politics out of the classroom and focused the district on expanding Career Technical Education to give our students more pathways to a successful future. I worked with other board members to pass a new strategic plan for the district that would put academics first, closely followed by parental and community engagement.
Currently, I work in the defense industry where I still work for the Air Force as an operational subject matter expert focused on warfighter integration. I was honored to serve on the Puyallup School Board. When asked to run for State Representative, another opportunity to serve our community, I said yes, I'm all in.